Best hair vitamins and minerals
Your hair can grow only about half an inch per month. However, you may encourage your hair to grow healthier, thicker and faster by taking the best vitamins for hair daily. In fact a number of nutrients can boost healthy hair growth. It means if you don’t receive the right amount of vitamins then your body saves the nutrients and energy for the most important organs. This results in shuting down other processes that are not essential, including your hair growth. For that reason a rich and good hair supplement with the correct amount of nutrients can boost your hair growth. Usually taking a dual approach to hair growth works best. For example nourish from within using best vitamins for hair, and from outside with good shampoo.
Vitamin B12
One of the essential and the best vitamins for hair growth. The deficiency of vitamin B12 may cause hair loss. This vitamin helps produce and development of red blood cells. In addition, vitamin B12 is essential for growth and maintenance of your nervous system. Naturally, human body cannot produce vitamin B12, therefore you must obtain the required amount of B12 through diet. Lack of B12 could result in a number of conditions such as anemia, nerve problem and depression.
Vitamin B2
An essential vitamin nutrient for our body in order to maintain its general health. It belongs to a family of water-soluble vitamins. As a result, your body cannot store vitamin B2 and the excess amounts gets discarded through urination. Therefore, you must acquire sufficient amount through daily diet. In body, B2 supports the maintenance of normal blood cells, metabolism of energy, maintenance of iron level and skin condition. In addition, it contributes to normal function of your immune system. Vitamin B2 deficiency can lead to a number of conditions such as hair loss, dry skin and anemia.
Vitamin B5
Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is named after a Greek word “pantothen”, which literally means “from everywhere”. This is due to the presence of vitamin B5 in so many palnt based food sources. For example wholegrains, avocados and mushrooma. Animal sources also coniatn a lot of it, such as eggs, beef and chicken. Your body uses vitamin B5 to produce other nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats. These nutrients later produce energy for all the cells in body. Lack of B5 will result in hair loss and reducing hair growth. Some people may show other symptoms such as depression, fatigue, having problem with sleep and also irritability. All of this may make the effect of hair loss worse.
Vitamin B6
Pyridoxine or vitamin B6, is another important vitamin for general health and well being. It helps produce haemoglobin and transport of oxygen in blood. So, it can promote the flow of oxygenated blood to your hair follicles and sculp. The blood full of oxygen provides a massive support for growth and maintenance of your hair. So vitamin B6 has certainly an effect on your hair growth. It helps hair follicles obtain sufficient keratin and melanin that are required for supporting hair growth and promoting hair renewal. As a result of this your hair can grow thicker quicker. It also helps converting food (carbohydrates and proteins) into energy that cells need for normal functioning.
Also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, Biotin is another one of the best vitamins for hair. Our body cannot produce this important vitamin. Therefore, you should make sure to obtain it through diet. Biotin also suppoets metabolism of cells, as well as cellular growth and development. It even helps maintain normal function of the nervous system. Rich sources of Biotin include meat, beef liver, eggs, fish, seeds and dairy products. Lack of biotin can result in a number of conditions. Examples are ataxia, dermatitis, loss of hearing and vision, and also hair loss.
A crucial nutrient that plays a major role in production of haemoglobin which is responsible to carry oxygen in blood and deliver it to the cells. Iron deficiency is probably the most common nutritional deficiency which can lead to some problems such as hair loss. Other symptoms of iron deficiency include brittle nails, lack of energy and exhaustion, fast heartbeat, pale skin and shortness of breath. Iron can be obtained from some food sources such as liver and other organ meats, meat itself, shellfish, whole grains, nuts, beans, green leafy vegetables and dried fruits.
Vitamin C
You may also know it as acid ascorbic, vitamin C is another water-soluble vitamin that body cannot produce or store it. Therefore it is essential consum it on a daily basis. It plays some major role in body, for example it helps absorption of iron in the intestine. So lack of vitamin C may cause hair loss due to inadequate iron absorption. As you can see it’s not directly the best vitamin for hair, but it’s needed for normal hair growth. Vitamin C is also essential for some other processes such as tissue support, bone health, production of collagen and protection from free radicals.
Another crucial mineral required by your body for the function of hundreds of enzymes. Zinc is involved in almost every metabolism occurring in your body and also affects hair loss. Examples are normal function of your immune system, in order to keep you healthy, wound healing, cell division and growth and physical growth. The deficiency could result in loosing your hair, loss of appetite, delayed growth and poor functioning of immune system. Just like some other vitamins, body cannot produce zinc or even store it, therefore it is important to obtain it through your daily diet.
A crucial mineral that is found in every living creature on this planet. It’s vital for a number of biological processes in your body such as melanin formation, respiration, iron uptake and transportation. Copper also help with the development and growth of an embryo, normal function of your nervous system, heart development and immune system. The deficiency of copper can affect your immune system and energy level. Since it plays such an important role in production of melanin, then lack of copper can result in hair loss and hair greying. Some food sources that are rich in copper are oysters, crab meat, cashew nuts, sunflower seeds, wholegrain, bread, pasta, broccoli, potatoes and bananas.
Being involved in almost every systems in your body, this tells you how important Magnesium is for body to function properly. It processes the normal functioning of over 300 enzymes in your body and also the production of energy. Magnesium helps manufacture of proteins and DNA, nerves and muscles work and also controls your blood pressure and glucose level. In addition, it supports develop and maintain your skeletal system. Low level of magnesium in your body can result in fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and also vomiting. Magnesium has a definite relationship with hair growth, it prevents building up of calcium on your scalp. This if occurs it makes your scalp dry, flaky, and you may experience hair loss.
Saw palmetto
The extracted is obtained from the berries of saw palmetto palm tree, which you may know it as American dwarf tree. It is used in different forms of traditional herbal medicine, usually for treating urinating problems. Saw Palmettomay cure men that are suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia (a condition in which the patient has problems with urinating). The research on the effect of saw palmetto on hair loss is limited but there is evidence that supports its positive effect on hair growth. Especifically, Saw Palmetto may have some anti-inflammatory properties which can provide some protection against hair loss. This is because of blocking DHT.
Nettle leaf
The plant, scientifically known as Urtica dioica, is a flowering one that can grow up to seven feet if placed in the optimal environment. You may have heard about it just recently, but it has been used to treat hair loss in ancient times. In traditional medicine, it is also used for treatment and management of a number of disorders. For example, the root and leaves are used as diuretic and also to purify blood, an infusion of the plant is used as a treatment for nasal and menstrual haemorrhage, diabetes, rheumatism and eczema. The leaves have anti-inflammatory effects that can decrease inflammation in your scalp. This means blocking DHT and as a result boosting healthy growth of hair.